Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Love Your Body Day

It is October 10th, which means it is Love Your Body Day! Today is the day to respect our bodies and treat them well. Our bodies are beautiful.

I have struggled for years and years, and actually most of my life, to make myself skinny. I have gone without meals, I have done juice fasts for weeks, and I have exercised to the brink of exhaustion. No more. The happiest I have ever been was when I was what the media would consider 50 lbs over weight because no one dared tell me that I needed to remember my "girlish figure." And what the heck kind of statement is that anyway? My "girlish figure?" I am a woman, a grown woman. I am meant to have curves. I am meant to have hips and a butt. I am through with criticizing my beautiful body and comparing it to a media-contrived idea of beauty: a model size that only 5% of the population can even attain.

Yes, I love my 5'3 body; It makes my bone less fragile. I love my soft stomach; it makes it inviting for my husband to lay his head on. I love my crooked nose; it reminds me of taking a baseball to the nose like a champ!

Heavenly Father gave me this body to have, use, respect, and love. The Scriptures tell me that my body is a temple, and temples are largely important to Mormons. We go to extensive lengths to care for our temples, preparing from when we are very young, so that must mean my body is more important than the credit I am giving. I only get one body, and I figure I had better get around to appreciating it, and what better day than today? I want to use it and appreciate it in everyway I can. I will dance. I will run. I will swim. I will help people. I will create. I will eat. I will play. From today on, I will love my body.

Mine truly,

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