Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Swinging (Avoiding Cabin Fever)

One of the perks of having such a big baby is that as a nine month old, he can already fit in the toddler swings at our neighborhood park.  I have learned that about 2:30, our little guy gets cabin fever, so I get Marla leashed up and head out about 3:00.  We all head over to the park to walk, swing, and meet new friends.  Both babies stay pretty energetic until the last leg of the walk.  By the time we get home, Marla is ready for a nap and Ezra is already started in on one.
I have fun with our walks because it opens up new teaching opportunities.  Today we studied an inch worm because Aunt Courtney was SO excited by them (Read what she had to say here).  We also meet a lot of people because so many are drawn in by Marla.  It's a good thing she is so good with children because so many approach us.  

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