Monday, October 24, 2011

Love Your Body Day 2011

Supporting what you believe in is important, otherwise you're just a spectator rooting for the good team.  Why not join the team?  Since last year's Dating Violence Seminar, I have decided that at least once a year I will do some sort of feminist activism.  This year my activism was to throw a party for Love Your Body Day. 

Awesome Publix cake, as promised
The party began with food and good company.  In the invitation I definitely promised cake and door prizes.  I ordered the cake from Publix and ask that the words "Love Your Body Day" be iced on the cake.  My request was met with a hushed tone and the reply, "I'm sorry-  we can't do that."  Confused, I assumed it was because they did not have a stencil for it.  But, non, entertainingly enough, putting the word "Body" on a cake is a no-no.  It was explained to me that "body" on the cake could insinuate perverse ideas.  I had to laugh to myself a bit on that one.  After a long think about what could convey the message of the day and not include the word "body," I called back the Publix bakery and had them put "Celebrate You" on the cake, with which they were much more comfortable.  The cake was delicious.

Packets full of recipes
Next, there was a station for nutritious eating that was based upon health rather than skinny figures.  There were packets of recipes given out as well discussing antioxidants and omega fatty acids.  This was something I was excited to have because rarely in the media do we hear about diets for health.  Often we here about our "girlish figures," "Bikini bodies," and becoming "high school skinny."  The entire focus for the eating presentation was on health rather than calories.  Included in this display was a storyboard that showed beautiful women of all different shapes and sizes. 

Beautiful bodied women

I especially love Dove's campaign for real beauty.  This set up worked really well next to a slideshow made by NOW for Love Your Body day that discusses women presented in advertising.  To view that presentation, please visit NOW's Sex Stereotypes Beauty Page

Lastly, I prepared a craft (because who doesn't love a craft?!).  On one side of a small bag I painted a hear or a star and LYB.  The other side was to be decorated with things we love about our body or things we love doing with our bodies. 
Front of the bags
Decorated back of the bags

I would definitely say the night was a success.  As my activism for the year I hope I was able to help put a better perspective on female bodies and how to both appreciate them and not take cues from the media on what they should be. 

Happy Love Your Body Day!


Sarah Lazane said...

Please save me one of those recipe folders! Im so frustrated i forgot it after the party.

B McC said...

I have one set aside with your name on it :)


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