Monday, April 30, 2012

Human Nature

I've decided to change redirect the nature of this blog.  I am still going to pursue feminists issue avidly, but I also find that I'd like to express opinions about Attachment Parenting more often, healthy life styles, and other topics that are pertinent to my life.

I think I have already been straying in that direction anyway.  Another change is in comments.  I will now be moderating comments since some heated exchanges.  Differing opinions are totally welcome, but keep it civil.  "Anonymous" comments will be under extra scrutiny.  I want everyone to feel comfortable posting.  

This blog has almost made $20 from people clicking on ads (THANK YOU!!!!)  Any money made on this blog goes to reading to fuel this blog : )  So, Ad clicking readers, YOU ROCK!

Get excited.  This feels like a new roll out.

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