Sunday, August 26, 2012

Our Summer Update (With two more southern summer months to go)

Ezra and I kicked off the summer by heading out to Aunt Courtney and Uncle Gary's wedding in St. Lucia.  We spent the week enjoying the sun and the beach.  Ezra particularly enjoyed the coconut ice cream as evident by the left overs on his face!  Before our vacation, Courtney and I decided to do all natural face masks made of different spices.  The masks worked really well except for one small, teeny detail:  it stained our faces yellow from the turmeric.  We looked like Oompa Loopmas for a few days following.  

 We have also been to a few Riverdog's Baseball games.   Ezra has a habit of making friends with the people behind us. And in front of us.  And who am I kidding?  Everyone around us.  This is a picture of him of Daddy's lap right after the seventh inning stretch.

Then came the birthday celebrations!

 This was Ezra's one year old cupcake at Grandma's house.

 And this is one last cupcake at Aunt Courtney and Uncle Gary's wedding reception.  I think we have a cupcake fiend on our hands.....
Today was a really awesome summer Sunday.  We spent the day at my mom's house, playing in her yard.  Ezra enjoyed exploring the rock pit and the watering can especially!  
Running around with Ezra is busy, busy, busy!
Ezra is up to something...  
This was a gift from Uncle Charles and Aunt Ellen.  THANKS!  He loves it.  
Ezra liked examining all of the rocks.  He sat for the longest time just digging through the rock pit around the grill.  Then he would place them in the watering can.  
Here's his rock collecting video.
He got incredibly dirty so I watered him either so he would grow or to get the dirt off.  Take your pick.  
Rocks in the watering can.
My mom's favorites.  Sorry Court, Sorry Clif.  We lost out :)
 All in a day's work.  It's not easy being me, but somebody has to do it!

1 comment:

First Mate C said...

Seriously, could that baby be any cuter?? Love the pic of the turmeric face masks... haha

xo- C


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