Monday, September 9, 2013

I got a fever... and the only prescription... is more cowbell.

Or more protein, as the case may be.  Yes, protein is even more essential than normal for a preggo diet, and even harder for me to come by since I'm a pescetarian who can only have seafood two days a week.

So what's a gal to do?  Well, for me, it omelets, omelets, and more omelets.  Not only does this help with protein, it gives me a chance to throw in some liver super foods like onions, garlic, and spinach and other vegetables.  They never get boring because I can always swap up the ingredients.  Some people warn against eating too many eggs because of the cholesterol, but when you are a vegetarian, barring any genetic contribution, cholesterol is not something you have to worry about much.  If cholesterol is something that you need to be concerned with, exclude the yolks and make egg white omelets!

Where do you get your protein??

This was my first omelet....I missed the shape a bit, and I forgot to shred the cheese before hand.  It made not be very pretty, but let me tell you, it really hit the spot.

 This is the same as the omelet above, but I made it prettier.  I sauteed garlic, onions, and red peppers in some Earth Balance Vegan Butter and add some thyme.  Then I add to a two egg omelet and sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.  Yum!

This omelet has mushrooms swapped out for the red peppers.  So yummy, but I should have added some fresh diced tomatoes on top.  I think the more color the better, personally.

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