Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our trip to Titusville (because Court might kill me if I don't)

Recent miles stones:
  • Ezra knows his name, and will come when Jason and I call it.
  • Jason and I are working on ASL basic signs with Ezra-  We are skipping "Baby Signs" and simply doing ASL
  • Ezra has TWO front teeth!!
  • Ezra stands-  he pulls up on absolutely EVERYTHING.  
But on to the picture portion now!

Ezra, Jason, and I took a trip to Titusville this weekend to see my siblings, and Courtney and Gary's boat home. The weather was beautiful, and we had a great time!

This is Johnny.  He obviously is the crew
 member in charge aboard the Gremlin's Hammer.  

Court taught Ezra how to steer the boat.

Court and Ezra in Court and Gary's living room. 
Clif out on the dock

Johnny soaking in the rays.

I am putting this picture up specially for Court
 because she loves manatees so much 
Jason and Ezra on the dock for a nap

Courtney, Gary, and Clif on the boat.

Enjoying a drink on the boat.

Ezra unwrapping his eating the paper. 

Courtney and Gary.  

Our beautiful, handcrafted commemorative glasses

The Wootens

The family
Ezra is ready to get to work!

1 comment:

The Gremlins Hammer said...

Great Pictures! Except for those &^%$#%$ manatees! Can't wait to have you aboard again! :)


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