Saturday, October 6, 2012

Juice Recipe (a new direction for the moment)

I have become tired lately of political posts.  I am getting my fill of understanding from The Book of Mormon Girl by Joanna Brooks that I strongly recommend everyone checking out, particularly if you've ever experienced a faith crisis.  Anywho, more on that later.

My sister came into town a while back.  With her she brought a tornado of healthy cooking and crazy good food.  To check out her cookbook (lots of gluten-free and super healthy recipes) click here.

I have been inspired.  I've decided to post some of my recipes for various things on this blog as well (I hope you weren't just here for my feminist blogging!).  I'm not a stickler for gluten free, but thanks to Sister's influence, I will have some gluten free items here.  Mostly I will be focusing on a pescatarian eating because I am a pescatarian.   Interesting enough, if you ask my husband what worried him most about marrying me he will tell you it was my lack of eating ground animals.  He will also very fervently tell you it has been no problem at all.  We have a very upfront and honest conversation about new meals before deciding whether to add them to our repertoire-  I think that's super important.

This week was the first week of a produce co-op I joined.  We had lots of produce, so I pulled out the juicer and started looking for recipes.  This has been one of the best thus far:

The Mean Green (serves 3-4)

14 Strawberries
1 inch of ginger
1 cucumber
4 handfuls of spinach
3 apples (without cores)
1/2 lime

The ginger gives it a good kick, so if you're not much for spice, adjust that accordingly.  This will be prettier when it hasn't been mixed up:  red with green.  However, it is yummier mixed all together, but beware, it will be an interesting color of green.  Enjoy!


Vince said...

(chuckle) you go from feminism to diet restrictions.
First off, what did the little fishies do to you.

I don't get juicing. Not one little bit. And especially for a Yank, given the cash that you spend on your gnashers you'd think they would be in use at ever opportunity. But if you want to add a dimension put a bit of mild to warm chilli. That will fill out the flavour. And a bit of pepper on the Strawberries.
'if you ask my husband what worried him most about marrying me he will tell you it was my lack of eating ground animals'. Really ?. Frankly the worry I'd have is would you object to a big juicy T-bone cooked in the house. I wouldn't care over much what you were eating as long as it was sane and healthy AND as long as it wasn't inflicted on me.

Courtney said...

Hmm... what exactly is a "gnasher?" I love the way the Irish speak. :) Juicing is AWESOME for you, Vince (good advice with the peppers, by the way). Now mind you, I do also love a big juicy T-bone steak myself... nothing wrong with that in my opinion :)

Vince said...

A gnasher(s) is a tooth. More exactly, teeth that are more the result of the dental arts than creation.

Courtney said...

V- Ahh, makes sense. We "yanks" do spent a lot of money on not just gnashers here, but on vanity all together. Not something we should be proud of but it is the truth.

B- I'm definitely ready for Mean Green Machines. About to go get my juicer today.



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