Monday, January 28, 2013

Speaking Nicely To Do

I've decided that while a normal "To Do" list works okay for me, I need something a little different.  When I ask someone else to do something, I try to ask nicely and simply .  I also tend to give a general explanation as to why something needs to be done. I think it improves the quality of effort someone puts into what you're asking them to do.  That being said, I have decided to try speaking (or writing) to myself the same way I would to someone else.  Check out my "To Do" list.  Do you think it will help me do more?

Good morning!
Drink a cup of your new herbal tea.  Enjoy it thoroughly.  Get yourself ready for the day.  When you’re ready, start cleaning the kitchen.
When E wakes up, get him dressed.  Give him some breakfast while finishing up the kitchen.
Load the Good Will stuff, and get rid of it!! The more space you have, the more new projects you can take on.  How awesome will it be to make your Christmas gifts this year?  You could do that if you had some creative space!
Take basket over for the Produce Co-Op.  You have been granted a day of grace because you were suppose to do this yesterday.  This is the only time for gruffness on this list:  Don’t screw this up.
Stop by the store to pick up milk, bread, and Pizzabites.  J will love you for it, and you’ll have something on which to spread that dark chocolate peanut butter.
Pick up J dog from Mom’s.  He’s super sweet, and also, as a boxer-pit mix, will make intruders hesitant to invade your home.
Enjoy some time with E.  Practice naming body parts and play with wooden letter blocks.  These are sweet times.  Soak it in.
Make dog treats for the dog that gave Marla the blood transfusion.  If you do it today, you can be sad for a while, but then feel better.  You can let a piece of her go.  You will feel better after.
Put on a load of laundry.  Preferably jeans because you’re almost out.
Start dinner.  Everyone likes to eat.

1 comment:

Vince said...

I try to stick to a shopping list. It makes it easier to remember prices since they are written down. Santa brought me a new smart phone and it has a shopping list organizer. SO I might try that out, it may be time to move from the Luddite position re. smartphones. I didn't go totally nuts I went with a Samsung android.


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