Thursday, April 25, 2013

Simple Pleasures: Kid Prayer

E has been a ball of tantrums lately.  Honestly, it can be discouraging, especially when it goes on for a while.  It makes me doubt myself and our choices in parenting.  I have to remind myself that he will grow out of his little child behavior at some point, and what will be left are the lessons he learned.

My simple pleasure?  Watching my child while he folds his arms and talks to God.  I'm not sure whether he understands that he is talking to God or if he is simply mimicking our family prayers, but he folds his arms, says a few words, and finishes with "Amen."

My kid is going to turn out okay.


Mother in Zion said...

Yes, yes he is.

Also, he is blessed to have you guys.

Also, I love his waves and curls.

Mark said...

Hold the course, Blythe; Steady as she goes. You'll be surprised, in the end, just how much E internalizes all these little things you do.

Lynn and I offer you the encouragement of Been-There, Done-That old folks. You and your little family are so dear to us.

B McC said...

Samantha, the curls are a favorite of mine. Notice how long I have let them get. I was jesting with Jason about how people keep locks of their children's hair, and he replied, "Says the woman who won't ever cut her son's hair." : )

Dad, I keep telling myself that if we keep on with the important things of centering our home on Christ, everything else will fall into place with patience eventually. Here's hoping, right? We miss ya'll.


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