Monday, May 19, 2014

Lucy Rose

Nicole West Photography

Lucy Rose was born March 31st, weighing 5.6 pounds.  At five weeks early, she spent her first ten days in the Level 2 nursery trying to breathe properly and on her own, gain weight, and keep her body temperature up.  Since we've brought her home, she has done absolutely wonderfully!

Nicole West Photography
Aside from the blessing of a new life in our family, the most amazing thing surrounding this pregnancy has been the loving hands reaching out to help us at every corner.  Some complicating factors of LR's birth made things really difficult-  I couldn't walk due to coupling of a badly sprained and a cesarean; LR had to be in the level 2 nursery for a week and a half, so I didn't leave the hospital;  etc.  It seemed like every time a new need arose, someone new would come out of the woodwork and give assistance.  We have been so very, very blessed to have some truly wonderful people in our lives.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did a beautiful job. And you elected on an excellent and elegant name.
Daddy's girl already I expect :-).
Best wishes to all.


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