Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weird Connotation


Vince said...

Hmm, this seems straight forward on the face of it. But as you've written yourself many in the Feminist movement hold different ideas.
This is equating Feminism with Egalitarianism. Making the equation that anyone who is egalitarian is de facto feminist. And I don't believe that to be true. Nor do I think all Feminists are necessarily egalitarian.
There are sensitivities -in the mathematical/statistical meaning of the term- picked up in egalitarianism that are missing from Feminism.
In essence, when a white woman looks in the mirror she sees a woman looking back. When a black woman looks in the mirror she sees a black woman looking back.
Further, it has inherited a core Suffragette problem in this area. It being a horizontal movement for evenness within class, but very little vertically or even diagonally. Where the Feminist trained at Yale will without a qualm pay a wage to her nanny in no way commensurate with the responsibility.

B McC said...

So true. I consider there to be many different brands of feminism, but the base definition of feminism to be equality (whatever one may believe that to be). It certainly is more complex than that, but when focusing on the basic effort, it is pretty simple!


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