Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Baby it's cold outside (or maybe not quite)

Baby, I wish it were cold outside.  The weather cannot seem to make up its mind.  We have used both the heat (it got down to 60 degrees inside our house) and the a/c (it reached 80) this week.  Gah, that has got to stop.  Ezra does not understand.

This past week while doing baby laundry, we had no clean, warm clothes for Ezra, so we pretended it was Halloween again and put on one of his warm costumes.  A good lesson in making hay while the sun is shining....  Wash baby clothes while the sun is making it 80 degrees, so that when it's 60, the baby isn't cold.

Ezra has started playing with toys that don't hang above his head, so Jason and I decided to get a few.  You can see him doing a little light reading in this picture.

We had both sets of missionaries over for dinner this week.  It was a real treat because the new Mission President has limited missionary dinners to once a month per family.  I may not be amazing at making dinner for six, but I am darn good at ordering Dominos.  I think theywere happy because they slickly left this little gift in our picture of the Columbia Temple.  I found it the next day :)

This is from tonight when there is absolutely no air flowing through our house.  I am trying desperately to not turn on the A/C in November, but I am roasting.  I didn't even bother putting clothes on the baby.  We're all sweating. 

And that's really it for this week.  We're getting excited for Ezra's first Thanksgiving.  With the exception of Courtney's fiance, Gary, my entire side of the family will be in town.  Yay!

1 comment:

The Gremlins Hammer said...

Can't wait to spend some time with little Ezra! xo


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