Thursday, November 17, 2011

Not quite Beyonce

Came across this is another blogger group.  I think I am in love.  Check out more of her videos on youtube : Nineteenpercent

My hubby and I were out the other day discussing some of  the online mo-fem groups I am in.  Since I frequently talk about the controversy I find in them with him, he asked, "What do you get out of them?" 
First off, I become aware of gold like this video.  Secondly, I have been more inspired to keep up with my feminist ideas.   I also feel not so trapped in a super conservative Mormon box.
It's not all bad, it's not all good.  But that's life.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

"I also feel not so trapped in a super conservative Mormon box."

The more Mormon women I meet (especially awesome ones like you) the more I realize that NO ONE fits the cookie cutter. Some people pretend to, some people will try to make you, but none of us do. And that's terrific. Zion is about having a oneness of heart, not about being carbon copies.

Thanks for the blog.


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