Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring has sprung (The AC is on)

Ezra brought me a diaper to let me know
it was time for a change
Spring has definitely sprung here in the low country.  We have already cut off the heat and switched on the air conditioner.  That means Ezra spends most of his time in nothing but a diaper.  He doesn't seem to mind :)  Our little family has had a very exciting few months.  Jason is still on days, which I love.  He is also thinking seriously about becoming qualified for a manager position.  He would never make it sound like a big deal, but it is and we are very proud of him :)  It's also pretty exciting because it means more time in SC, of which I am definitely a BIG fan.
I have been doing a bit of this and a bit of that.  I am starting to get that spring fever that makes me want to do home improvements-   bathrooms be warned!  Jason and I have decided that Ezra needs some social interaction, so I am trying to start a playgroup at our house to aid in that.  The feminist blog has really taken off lately, and I am hoping to celebrate 2,500 views this month.  It sure has come a long way from a Women and Gender Studies writing assignment.  I am also having a ball right now helping Courtney with her wedding.  Courtney, Mom, and I had the best time going dress shopping-  the dress is really beautiful.  Now the hard part- getting Ezra ready to travel with passport and such to St. Lucia.  

Quit blogging and pay attention to MEEEEEEEE!!!
One of Ezra's new favorite games includes taking EVERYthing off shelves, be it books, DVDs, or the contents of his changing table.  He gets so proud if himself.  He may look like his Daddy, but he is mischievous like his Mama.  Another of his favorite games his sneaking over the the bedroom.  You'll hear a giggle and look over to see him waiting for you.  And then he hightails it into the bedroom.   Little Stinker.  :)   
After Hurricane Ezra

Jason helping Ezra into his Justice League
of America PJs

Ezra is ready for St. Patrick's Day in
green Seer Sucker

1 comment:

The Gremlins Hammer said...

Look at those teeth! He is so cute, and growing so fast... It seems like every time I see him or a picture of him he's changed so much in so little time. Can't wait to see him this week! xoxo


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