Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday Secret of the Mormon variety

From Post Secret, a new Mormon secret was posted this Sunday.  I was going to post it on the blog, but it seems somewhat irreverent.  I remember at my baptism, we were told no picture during the actual ordinance.  I don't know if that is an actual rule or not, but whatever.  I figure I won't make people any more uncomfortable than I already do, so if you choose to, you can view the secret here.  However, know in advance it is a picture of a baptism.


mkgs said...

I decided a while ago (as much as I can decide anything for myself, anyway, since my husband and I are still talking about it) that, if we are raising our kids LDS, I don't want them to get baptized at eight. I don't think eight is nearly old enough to understand all the implications that go with it, and I don't want my children doing it just because it's "what's done". Maybe around twelve or so, instead of eight? I'm not sure. I can definitely understand that secret, though. This isn't something a person should decide under pressure.

B McC said...

You know, Miri, I think there is a lot of validity to that. I think more than age, there needs to be more preparation for it. I'm not talking about lessons about doctrine, I'm talking about what life will be like. What the culture and pressures are- Perhaps a discussion about how once you are baptized the difficulty of taking a step back. It's a much weightier decision than I think an eight year can actually process.


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