Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year (and the Christmas aftermath)

Happy New Year from the McAwesome Family :)

New Year's Eve was spent in the Hendrix home.  We played a cool game called "Pandemic" and then we bundled the boys up really snug in the wagon and took them out for fireworks in the cul-de-sac.  The past two years we have stopped at a fireworks stand and just gotten a simple, safe combo pack.  We all agree that there is to be NO STOPPING at "Discount Fireworks" or "Bargain TNT" because, really, there are just some things that you shouldn't look for bargains on, explosives being one.  Both boys seemed to like the colors and lights of the fireworks and didn't mind the noise. 

Since Christmas, Ezra has been a-movin' and a-shakin'.  We decided that rather than making our living room Little Man-appropriate, we would create a playroom and make it living-appropriate.  Now we have a playroom where the living room use to be, and I think we all like hanging out together in there a lot.  It also provides Ezra a lot more space to crawl around in (and boy does he get around these days!) 

This is the workshop from Uncle Clif.  Ezra loves playing with the different colored nails.  He hasn't gotten the hang of using the hammer, so he just uses his hands :)

Ezra had his six month check up a couple days ago!  He is now over 22 pounds and 29 inches.  He's a BIG boy.  We are also moving on to Level 2 foods as soon as we run out of the Level 1.  

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