Saturday, January 7, 2012

Resolutions of the Feminist Kind

Did you know that over 70% of resolution makers list weight loss as a resolution?  It wasn't that big of a shock to me when I think about what undue pressure is put on people to be thin.  We aren't pressured to eat right and take care of our bodies, we are told to be thin. 

At. Any. Cost.

A while back I was told that one way to insure keeping weight off that you've already lost is to get rid of any clothes that are too big, lest you have the temptation to just slide right back into fitting into them.  Well, I say keep clothes around that fit.  If you don't want to keep around the clothes that are too big, then don't, but, honey, get rid of the ones that are too small as well.

I can't mention my amazing son and then
not put up a picture.  That would be silly.

As some of my readers know, I had a baby back in June of this year.  After my pregnancy, my body just changed.  My bust went up three sizes (hey, I'm still nursing, okay?), my hips are wider, I still have pregnancy weight on me, and due to my son's entry into the world via Cesarean Section, I have the belly pooch.  The past six months, I have felt absolutely horrible in all the clothes that weren't preggy clothes, and then, it dawned on me:

I felt like I looked bad because the clothes I was wearing were no longer clothes that suited me. 

And that's the truth.  Rather than beat myself up for not fitting into clothes that once hung right and accentuated the good, I needed clothes that accentuated the new good.  My body is still beautiful, darnit!

Now back to dieting;  Do not believe that I am against health.  I certainly am not.  I think changing your diet for health is an amazingly good thing to do.  I think as a nation, it is something that we truly need to focus more on.  My resolution is to focus on creating a healthier intake of food for my family and not to worry if the pants that look best on me say size 12 on the tag inside.  


Sarah said...

Change clothes to fit your body, not the other way around, right?

Kerri said...

Clothes that don't fit aren't flattering, whether they're too small or too big, or just the wrong cut for you! I get lots of hand-me-downs from a couple friends in my ward, and in the last batch there were a pair of skinny jeans in my size. Definitely not the right clothes for me! ;)


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