Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New AntiRape Advertisement

I have recently discovered a fairly new campaign, Men Can Stop Rape and so far, I love their campaign!

This is the first advertisement I have seen that targets men.  This is VERY exciting!  This advertisement does not focus on stranger rape (which is based on power and control); it does focus on the more prevalent type of rape which is executed by a familiar simply by not having mutual consent.  While the two may seem like separate issues completely, they both take power from women over their bodies in a vile, vile way.  Both need to be stopped.

However, even more than focusing on men's responsibility to stop rape with personal restraint and responsibility, the organization ALSO encourages taking a stand against other men who are acting inappropriately to stop rape. 

I honestly can't even decide which one I love more!  This is one of the ways that feminism is good for men, too.  The world often paints men as unable to control their sexual desires.  Feminists give our men more credit than that.  So, come on, guys, Take a Stand!


Kerri said...

Sorry for the late comment, but here is one!

I also think they're pretty great, but the top ones make me a little uncomfortable, mostly because I'm easily embarrassed :) I love the bottom ones though, because they show how anyone can help out when they see someone in a potentially dangerous situation.

B McC said...

Kerri, you are amazing. I love the bottom ones, too, because of the responsibility to act. :) I am excited to see and hang out with you this week!


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