Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Post Holiday Holiday (or the McCuistion part)

We went to Ohio last week for our "Christmas time" with Jason's side of our family. Ezra is a pretty good traveler.  This is the eighth plane he has been on in his six and half months.  He is pretty much a pro.

We got to hang out with our nephews and niece while Kevin and Kerri were in Chicago for the night.  Kai was a  big help with Neil and Eve.  We also played an awesome put-away-the-books game in which for every book you put away, you get to throw a ball as hard as you can at Uncle Jason.  For every time you hit Uncle Jason, you get a point.  The books were put away fantastically fast.  

Even though it was "warm for this time of year," it was much colder than our 
South Carolina blood is used to, so Ezra got to wear a snow suit.  

Our beautiful niece, Eve, and I had a talk in which I told her about my Aunt Linda.  "My Aunt Linda," I told her, "had all boys, and she loves her boys.  But when she would come to Charleston to visit us, she would call my sister and me 'her girls.'  My Aunt Linda loved to do all the girlie stuff with us-  she's the one who taught me how to french braid my hair.  I hope that can be our relationship."  Eve didn't seem opposed to the idea, so I took that as a victory.

Grandpa's arms full of kiddos-  Ezra, Eve, and Neil.

After we got back home, we realized that Ezra had officially outgrown his infant bath tub.  It was either the sink or the big bath tub from now on, and Mama doesn't like stooping.  

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