Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Post Secret Feminists

 I love Post Secret.  If you have not heard of Post Secret, it started out as an art project in which homemade postcards with an anonymous secret were sent to a man named Frank.  Now, millions of secrets have been shared and Frank posts a new batch of secrets every Sunday.  I have come across a few feminists ones.   Check it out at PostSecret.

This was my favorite to come across.  Women need support-  support from men, support from other women-  We need support.  And I truly do believe that we can change the world for the better.

I particularly like this one because I think every feminist has something she does that makes her feel like a fraud.  I wear make-up on occasion because it makes me feel prettier, and I feel like a bad feminist for so doing.  It's just not true, though.  As I have posted before, Jessica Valenti states, "It's about the consciousness behind your decisions."  Am I doing it for me or do I feel like my self-worth is determined by this action?  More on this to come.

This is so painstakingly honest and raw.  Simply believing in a cause doesn't mean that one is immune to the that which she fights against.  I constantly try to push the idea that our worth as women is not determined because of our weights, and yet when I stand in front of the mirror, there are times I wish different things for my body.  

This makes me want to invest in a whole bunch of bumper stickers to stick on misogynists' cars... though, of course, it's illegal, and a very bad idea.  Tee-hee.

I don't know that I have the right to comment on these because they are other people's secrets, but I love the idea that there are others out there, imperfect as we all may be who are working and hoping for a better tomorrow.  The diversity makes it all the better. 


Kerri said..., my big crafting forum site that I love, has post a secret swaps, where fellow crafters can send and receive anonymous ones, and it's pretty popular on there. They make me pretty sad sometimes, though, but it does help people feel much better.

Court said...

Blog is looking really good!


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