Sunday, May 27, 2012

Energy of Health

I have really been lagging lately.  Even getting eight hours of sleep a night, I seem to always be exhausted.   The first question I always seem to get, as a pescatarian is this:  are you getting enough protein?  Absolutely.  I eat so much protein, I could be a friggin' heavy weight champion (they eat a lot of protein, right?).  Eggs in the morning, soy hot dogs for lunch, and generally some sort of fish or soy product is the main event of dinner.  So why am I so exhausted all the time?  I decided to get a better idea of what I needed, I should consult my three natural health gurus: C, B, and E.  Between the three, these are the instructions I have been given, taking into consideration I am a pescatarian, nursing, O negative, 25 year-old female.
  1. Cut down on the protein and focus on more, more, more vegetables, preferably whole.  V8 can help, but it shouldn't be my main vegetable source (This made me sad.  V8 and I are buddies when no other veggies are to be found).
  2. Cut out the processed carbohydrates.  Again, super sad.  
  3. Get an iron supplement but not too much, and in my case, make sure it is vegetarian.  I chose Nature Made.  
  4. Take a multivitamin.  This is because I am nursing.  Baby takes what he needs, and I get the left overs.  Ergo, I have to make sure the left overs have enough nutrients for me.  
  5. Get a B12 supplement.  Apparently this is the only nutrient that I cannot get anywhere except an animal, thus I am probably in pretty low supply.  It was explained to me that this is like the body's healthy version of caffeine.  
So.  While it seems there are some definite changes about to take place in my diet and pill intake, there is an upside:  I began this regiment a couple days ago, and I already am feeling results.  Imagine.  If I can tell a difference in my body, in particular my energy level in just two days, IMAGINE what a long term commitment to healthier eating and vitamin maintenance could mean.  

How do you maintain yourself?

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