Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thanks Be to God (With an Attitude of Gratitude)

A Sunday-Preparation List of Grateful 
  1. No matter what I seem to do, basil flourishes in my backyard. I love that Hubby and I can grow and make our own pesto, which we love so much.  
  2. I live in a country with that protects the freedom of speech.  Heaven help me if I lived in a place where I had to watch my mouth.  
  3. My loving family is safe and healthy.  Nothing, nothing, nothing is more important.
  4. Our family has reliable employment.  It's something I have often taken for granted, but I know that I should not.  Many people would give anything for reliable employment.  
  5. Clean drinking water.  Again, I usually take it for granted, but it's something to which everyone does not have access.  
  6. A loving and supportive husband.  That is a tall order when pairing with someone as independent, headstrong, and passionate as I am.  
  7. The right to vote.  It's one thing to write a blog persuading others, but to have a vote in what my government is doing is so much bigger.
  8. Pain reliever for infants.  I am so grateful that my kiddo has something within reach to drop a fever or take the edge off of teething.
  9. Medical Technology.  Without it, I would not be around to raise my son right now.  
  10. Cars.  I love cars because my family is somewhat spread out at this point in our lives.  Cars make it possible for us to get together, see one another, and be a part of one another's lives.  

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