Monday, May 14, 2012

Post Secret Mormons

There have been several people who have told me this post is not uplifting and inappropriate.  They report that they do not understand why I would post such things or what my goals are.  To them I say:
Postsecret is not a tiny project; it is huge. It has many followers, and the project itself has no agenda. I think one of the reasons I love the post secret project so much is because of uncensored ideas and feelings of a person without ordering a public flogging- it's more three-dimensional than that. I don't know that I had a goal per se in posting this blog, more of a chance to share secrets- particularly ones that could be uplifting from new people.
With that, enjoy it or don't, but I think general message here is that there is good and bad to everything.  Perspective is huge.


Anonymous said...

after all the heartache and confusion, being lds has still brought my family closer.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think I've lost some good friends to religion...other times I think I'm just jealous they get to be part of a tight knit community that doesn't include me.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand when people blame the church for their problems. What happened to personal accountability?

Anonymous said...

If I wasn't a Mormon I would smoke a joint at least once a month. fo realz.

This is why it's good that I know the bigger picture because I would probably be an addict

mkgs said...

How do you have so many anonymous commenters??

I saw one a while ago that I haven't been able to find online, but it really, really resonated with me at the time. It showed a picture of the Salt Lake Temple and all it said was, "I'm so afraid God is sexist."

Liz said...

That is a lot of anonymous words. Hmmm.

Not really feeling the love on this post. It is very "anti" - and while I have my own share of annoying feelings towards the LDS religion, culture, and people, (and I am one) this would be a step I wouldn't take or like to see taken.

Emma Jane said...

Googling this post made me stumble upon your blog, I always get excited when there's an LDS-related post secret. Keep up the awesome posting.


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