After almost two years of marriage, I am proud to announce that we are
finally falling into a rhythm- I blame the delay on Jason's crazy rotating shift work. Jason is officially on day staff, which means he holds normal people hours, which means we have regular dinners and weekends, which furthur means solid routines in our home. Yay!
Little man peeking through his playmat |
Ezra update: We had his four month appointment a couple weeks ago. Our Little Man is actually our big Little Man weighing in at eighteen pounds and almost twenty-seven inches. He's still over the 95th percentile, with which I am just fine- I love a chunky baby! We were told by the nurse that we should go ahead and start him on rice cereal, but we honestly weren't thinking about food until six months. When I expressed this sentiment, our nurse asserted that, no, this was indeed the time to begin rice cereal. I spoke to the doctor who said that it was absolutely fine to wait until six months to begin real food. I love our doctor; she really supports our parenting style, which many in our American culture find too soft. However, if it's one thing I have learned from studying sociology, it's that normalcy in one culture is completely odd in another. Therefore, I am not hugely worried about what people in this culture find weird because if we end up happy, who cares?
Our adventure at the fair- Ezra has started loving stuffed animals- this one in particular. |
On another note, Ezra loves music. Before he was born, Jason and I went back and forth between what was more important: music or sports. Now, if I know most of my readers of this blog, I can assume you're thinking music, but hear my case out. Sports promote hand-eye coordination (especially useful in a home free of video games), teamwork, social skills, problemsolving, commitment, etc. Team sports also have a positive corelation with school work.
All that being said, I think that is one discussion Jason will win, at least until we have another little one, because Ezra is a music baby. Singing (especially showtunes), any instrument, and most recently get him calm. In church, Ezra sits very sweetly through the music and then WAILS when it stops. Grr. Looks like I'll have to persuade another child to be a sports kid... unless Ezra can do both.... or be brainwashed. Kidding...kind of. We'll see.
Ezra has become a pro at rolling from his back to his tummy, but not so much from his tummy to his back. That's exciting. Another random, yet exciting thing is that since Halloween is over, it is officially Thanksgiving season, which can only mean one thing. That's right, you guessed it, Thanksgiving pajamas. When I was growing up, my mom always got us new pajamas for special times like vacation and holidays. I have decided that is a tradition I would like to carry on. It can be my thing. I don't have a picture of Ezra in his Thanksgiving pajamas yet, but be on the look out. It's coming.