This year had certainly been a busy one for our little family. We have welcomed lots of new family through marriages, but we have also increased our numbers with our little Ezra and Marla, our dachshund. Ezra is the fourth grandchild on Jason's side and the first on Blythe's side. We have love seeing his firsts so far such as rolling over, reaching for things, smiles, laughter, etc.
Right now, Ezra is working on rolling over consistently. He almost has it- his arms tend to be his biggest hurtle. He is also trying to crawl (though we must admit it looks more like swimming on land). He loves looking around and doing baby push-ups.

Currently, we are looking forward to the holidays. Kick starting the holidays is halloween. Although Jason and Blythe have yet to figure out their costumes, Ezra is going to the Church's Trunk or Treat as a cow and Marla is going as a hotdog with mustard.
<------- Here is Ezra getting ready for Halloween with his scary bat vampire pajamas.
Hopefully, we will keep up with this blog pretty regularly, as we have many family and loved ones we can't see day-to-day. This is for ya'll :)