I have heard a lot about the Chick-fil-a goings on about supporting anti-gay agendas (it's like the so-called "gay agenda," only opposing), and I have heard a lot about boycotting Chick-fil-a. I have also heard and read a lot of gripe from the pro-Chick-fil-a crowd about the boycott. Complaints have filled up Facebook, declaring that those who are boycotting are being silly; that in fact, the boycott-ers are the truly intolerant one because they can't accept someone having different beliefs than themselves. These public declarations denounce the boycott, calling it pointless.
To be frank, I think we need to have a talk about the purpose of a boycott. The basic definition (there is one more complicated that involves coercion and intimidation) of a boycott is to abstain from buying or using. I would personally add (though my name be not Webster) that for product abstinence to be cataloged under "Boycott" that a political or personal or moral statement is being made.
In applying this to the Chick-fil-a debacle, one might ask why people would boycott an organization simply for the owner having a difference of opinion. It's true, that would be quite silly. However, the boycott is not opposing Chick-fil-a's president Dan Cathy. The boycott is opposing anti-gay groups. Think about it for a minute. Chick-fil-a makes multi-million dollar donations to anti-gay groups. How does Chick-fil-a get the money for such donations? Through patrons' money used to buy their product. I personally find it merely responsible to know just who/ what your are supporting with your money (both directly and indirectly).
Pretend for a moment that rather than donating millions of dollars to anti-gay groups that Chick-fil-a was donating that money to groups that supported or even funded abortion clinics. How fast do you think all the boycott nay-sayers would become complete anti-Chick-fil-a activists? My guess is pretty quick, and understandably because abortion is something they neither support nor want to fund in any manner. Well, lots of people don't want to fund anti-gay groups. It's that simple.
My point is this: whether pro- or anti- a particular boycott, there is no reason to bad mouth the people participating in the boycott. Cut that garbage out. Support your cause and let others support theirs. Have you ever boycott something?
To be frank, I think we need to have a talk about the purpose of a boycott. The basic definition (there is one more complicated that involves coercion and intimidation) of a boycott is to abstain from buying or using. I would personally add (though my name be not Webster) that for product abstinence to be cataloged under "Boycott" that a political or personal or moral statement is being made.
In applying this to the Chick-fil-a debacle, one might ask why people would boycott an organization simply for the owner having a difference of opinion. It's true, that would be quite silly. However, the boycott is not opposing Chick-fil-a's president Dan Cathy. The boycott is opposing anti-gay groups. Think about it for a minute. Chick-fil-a makes multi-million dollar donations to anti-gay groups. How does Chick-fil-a get the money for such donations? Through patrons' money used to buy their product. I personally find it merely responsible to know just who/ what your are supporting with your money (both directly and indirectly).
Pretend for a moment that rather than donating millions of dollars to anti-gay groups that Chick-fil-a was donating that money to groups that supported or even funded abortion clinics. How fast do you think all the boycott nay-sayers would become complete anti-Chick-fil-a activists? My guess is pretty quick, and understandably because abortion is something they neither support nor want to fund in any manner. Well, lots of people don't want to fund anti-gay groups. It's that simple.
My point is this: whether pro- or anti- a particular boycott, there is no reason to bad mouth the people participating in the boycott. Cut that garbage out. Support your cause and let others support theirs. Have you ever boycott something?