This week has been hard for me, so there is no real put together topic for this post- it's going to be a little of this, a little of that. I started my week seeing another feminist secret this week on the
Post Secret Blog. It served as a reminder to me that we are
all hypocrites until we're perfect (which I don't really believe to be attainable in this life), so we need to cut others and ourselves some slack. To the author of this secret: You are not a failure- you need help and support. Don't we all?
I started my book review for
Cinderella Ate My Daughter, by Peggy Orenstein. Get excited for that because it was excellent book, and I have so much to say about it that it is turning into a huge project simply organizing my thoughts about it. I feel like I am back in college writing a paper. Anyone with a daughter-
Heck, anyone with a kid or who has been a kid- I think you should read this book. But more on that whenever I have the time to post my book review.

Last week while shopping for some kiddo stuff, I saw this little number in the infant section. I haven't worked out the details in my mind, but I would rather my little swim naked than swim in this. I think it has to do with naked being chalked up to her being a baby, but this swimsuit begin sexualization in infancy. But how? I need help identifying what it is that makes it so, but I truly believe naked would be more appropriate. Please leave your ideas in the comments below. Or if you feel like being more private about it, email me.
Here's another random: I have noticed recently that it would seem I am more drawn to music from male musicians. It's weird. I noticed this because in trying to update my current listening enjoyment, I was trying to balance the female/ male contributions, but overwhelmingly, my musical taste leans towards male voices, with the exception of the Broadway genre. In Broadway, I think I like female voices because then the range is good for me to rock out along with them. I would be really interested in finding some statistics or readings on male versus female musicians. Is this merely my taste in music or there a reason I lean towards male musicians?

While staying at my mom's over the holiday, Baby had the chance to play with both his toys and some of my childhood toys. I have to admit, when I saw him playing with both his toy truck and my (now his) dollhouse, it warmed my heart and made me smile. I've seen this meme going around in which a picture showing matchbox cars tucked into doll furniture is accompanied with the caption that this is what happens when you trying to disprove gender stereotypes. To that I respond that trying to break gender stereotypes after a child has learned them is hard. Starting from the get-go is another thing entirely.
Lastly, I have been debating whether or not to march in the Charleston Pride Parade this Saturday. I really want to, but I'm sure there will be repercussions associated with it. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? I would really love ya'll's feedback this week!