Spring means that we are almost to E's 2nd birthday. Holy Cow. Well, first things first. Easter was a blast. We went to Grandma's for an Easter egg hunt. E really took to that, so we have actually had many Easter egg hunts. In fact, we play with Easter eggs pretty much every Sunday at Grandma's.

E still loves playing outside, though I am admittedly relieved that he doesn't pick things up and eat them quite as much as he has done in the past. These days he seems to like digging a lot more. We're thinking about his birthday present being a sandbox. What other ideas do you have for a two-year-old?
E has his big kid bed set up (a crib with one side missing) for nap times. It's funny how before he would crawl out of the crib or packnplay but with a rail he is suppose to climb over, he just calls for us to help him out.
We have recently decided that E is ready for chores. Aside from picking up toys, he helps with the trash, mail, and laundry.

Ender and Georgia
This is what happens when you have 1:00 church.