Out and about town, these are some things I found pertaining to gender. Tell me your thoughts in the comments because you're about to read mine (I hope!).
"Girls can wear jeans
and cut their hair short
wear shirts and boots
'cause it's okay to be a boy
But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading
'cause you think be a girl is degrading..."

These were some interesting finds! I found these in the little girls section of Ross. These are underwire (to hold up what exactly?) bras that having padding in them. They are marketed to ten and under. Really? Hypersexualization of little girls much? Someone call Peggy Orenstein.
This experience made me shake my head: I was having a hard time finding the Women and Gender section at my local Barnes and Noble. Usually, it is either in the Politics and Current Affairs section or right next to it. I searched and searched. I even asked an employee for help.
Then, I found it.

I don't think twice when I see marketing clearly targeting boys and girls. My boys have a purple polka dot pig bank, I can see Andy picking out a cupcake...but not so much a shoe.
I'm not sure about the bras for young girls. Some girls do develop that young and the padding is more for "shaping" purposes, not to add cleavage.
The bookstore combining women's issues with a gay and lesbian section is definitely an odd choice.
Sorry to be disagreeable to the above comment, but I don't think women, especially young girls need "shaping." I prefer bras that are soft cups, not some shape that someone has deemed I should be . . . anyway.
"Shoe fund," wow, I don't know, shallow?
Wow. It seems the message of the book section is, "women's studies is for lesbians." As opposed to all women. And men.
1. You and I are really on the same page, Blythe! I have a bunch of pictures of toys on my phone; I've been saving them for a similar post.
2. Piggy banks, seriously? It never ceases to amaze me, how far the segregation permeates. It's like people are literally out there thinking of ways to show that every single aspect of life is totally different for boys and girls.
3. I am totally with the comment above from Sarah! Some girls are developing earlier now, but that still doesn't mean they need to be padded and shaped.
Now that I am the Mommy of both boys and a girl - and that girl is growing up a bit - I am quite surprised at the natural tendencies of both.
The boys are so darn physical! Granted - that could have been preprogramed and enforced by me - I sure like to wrestle!
The girl decidedly likes and insists on wearing dresses. I don't like dresses...so that HAS to be a personal preference.
As far as marketing is concerned - I DON'T like media telling me what my child should be interested in saving up for. Shoes can be fun...but I would prefer education or science stuff!
Since I didn't feel the measure of padding on the bras, I can't really comment of that...but I DO know that girls are developing much faster then we did (that is a whole different can of worms) AND I know when the weather is cold...I don't want certain parts showing through my shirt...a younger girl would probably feel mortified!
Just a few thoughts...
Ah, good point by Liz. I forgot that aspect of what a thick bra can be good for.
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