We're trying to eek all the fun out of Summer that we possibly can these last few weeks of summer. We got our last beach trip in while Courtney was in town. I was a little worried about the open beach and having a very active toddler, so I took the play yard out with us. It was a bit of extra effort, but it was well worth it. We set up the umbrella and a mat for Ezra and he went to town digging in the sand and filling the bucket. I also got his final(ish) use out of this particular bathing suit. That's the weird thing about kids to me- they grow out of things so quickly and seasons change, so we can rarely use an outfit for more than a couple months.
Because rainy days are so common in the summer, we have a plan B when we are going stir crazy in the house (Plan A being anything outdoors- my mom says kids are like plants, needing water, sun, and dirt to grow properly). That plan B is the play area in our local mall. Apparently it's a meeting point for several playgroups. Something interesting about Ezra is that he already likes to play with other children, not just alongside them. Most children don't develop this social skill of thinking outside themselves until much later. I'm kind of a proud mama on that front.
Here's a video of him running around a bit at the play place.
Today, we went to the Riverbank Zoo for Ezra's first zoo trip. Ezra seemed to really enjoy moving around in a new space and seeing all of the animals. It was also not too hot, which made our entire party happy. I still cover our little guy in SPF 50.
Jason did a challenge course, climbing ropes and other obstacles. Here's at the very top in this picture.
I think Ezra especially enjoyed feeding the animals. The goats were more than happy to eat from our hands, as were the giraffes. The video below is super cute, but taken after Ezra was starting to get tired. He was a little unimpressed with the giraffe, but Jason and I were impressed enough for everyone!
And as any fun-filled day, our ending looked something like this:
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