Monday, October 17, 2016

Why I Can't Retire My Feminism

I'll be honest, I thought I was finished with the blog. I left the door open again and again but I don't think I ever really thought I would come back to it. I got weary of explaining why we are in fact still desperately in need of feminism just to have accusations fly that I look for trouble or enjoy being different or radical.  It's exhausting.  It is easier to raise children in every day life to appreciate equality than to put oneself out there for all opinions to find.


Friends, my heart is heavy. No, I am not going to discuss the election. That friends, would serve no purpose right now.  All I can hope is that we are all doing our best and leave it right there.  No, friends, my heart is heavy at the sexist (and racist) pride that has been unearthed this election cycle. It does not surprise me that there is a sexist man running for president. What shocks me is how much this experience has normalized sexism. Explanations that confessing to a sexual assault can be chalked up to "locker room talk" ...   I'm truly speechless. To further understand why "locker room talk" is 100% unacceptable, check out another post from 2014, On Virtue and Sexual Harrassment.

Today, I want to shut down my internet.  I am overloaded with microagressions to full-out, head exploding sexism and, believe you me, everything in between.  It hurts my head.

Dear Google and Facebook (and anyone else listening in),

1.  I do not care what men think about me based on how much makeup I am wearing.
If you are wearing this dress,
we need to become friends
2.  I do not care how many men want to date me based on the fact that I don't eat animals.
3.  I do not care if another gal is wearing leggings that show her "bum-bum."  Frankly, I don't care what other gals are wearing at all.  Unless it is this dress ---------->
4.  Please stop telling me that if I, as a mother, am not spending enough time with my kids, I will become a regretful, sad old woman, but if I spend too much time with my children I will create monsters who are incapable of fitting in with society.  Being a female parent does not give me superhuman abilities to wade through this BS without becoming incredibly anxious.*
5.  Please stop advertising weight loss products to me. Seriously.  Health and weight loss, while sometimes coinciding are not the same thing.

I could go on. My point, however, can be made in just one more thought.

Trump did not create this sexism-filled environment; he is merely the product of it who somehow got a hold of a megaphone.

*On a side note, there is no perfect parenting. There is good and bad to come out of even the best methods, so I support you doing what works for you.  

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