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This was shown to me by my friend, Miri- check her out at her blog here. |
Before reading the rest of this post, compare the two for yourself. What are your impressions?
Let's examine the differences.
- "Unlimited" vs "Amazing" potential: "Amazing" is, well, amazing. It's a great word and description- inspiring even. However, it's not "unlimited." This a great example of why it is hard to see inequalities sometimes. Sexism is not an isolated incidence. It is not this one thing this one time at this one place. Sexism is a mentality, it's a force, it's an ideology. It cannot, therefore, be viewed without the three-dimensional lens of comparison.
- "Amazing" vs "Beautiful": Argue if you will, but beautiful in my opinion is a much more passive word. Upon looking "beautiful" up in the dictionary, the only definition I found that doesn't refer to appearances is this: very pleasing or satisfying. That definition insinuates that "beautiful" is determined by an external source, or in other words, someone outside of this girl has to decide that she is beautiful. Descriptions like pleasing and satisfying cannot be attained without another person to which one can be pleasing and satisfying. Being beautiful is passive and dependent. Not that beautiful is a bad thing in and of itself, but when compared with "I am amazing," beautiful, it seems, is pretty flimsy.
What are your thoughts on the two?
I think it reflects the different roles men and women have in the church. That difference between "unlimited" and "amazing."
Women are inherently limited to serve in non-priesthood capacities in the church. They can be leaders, sure, but never over men unless those men happen to be children. There's a limit as to what a woman can do. That would makes the term "unlimited" inaccurate if it were used in the girl's poster.
I think that you took a wonderful and positive message and completely read into it. I mean all those sound encouraging and empowering to me. As a woman I feel empowered by these positive affirmations I don't feel less than in any way. Isn't that what you want? For women to feel equal and empowered? You are entitled to your opinion but I really think you can make yourself crazy reading into things. words can only have the power you give them. I'm sure they just wanted to mix it up so they were different posters. Beautiful makes me feel good because to me it implies a whole package. How can beautiful be a derogatory word??
I appreciate ya'll leaving some blogic love!
I agree that these two posters are positive on their own. However, the comparison is the hard thing for me to swallow. I would say the same thing about them being empowering, except that calling me beautiful does not personally feel empowering. I don't think beautiful is derogatory at all, just not particularly empowering.
I am a word person. I agree that words have added to them what a people give them, word do have basic meaning as well. That is what I presented with the word beautiful- it's definition.
I am in no way suggesting that someone has design this with the intention of bringing down women. I think someone did it unintentionally, which is even more telling in my opinion about the views of women in church culture (perhaps not church doctrine as I don't believe this was created by anyone in a general presidency).
Yes I can totally see what you mean. I understand why you would see the social undertones in our society. But I guess my point was- one could make themselves go nuts reading into things must people don't see. I guess I don't see it because I feel empowered in my womanhood by the church and in my life. I am grateful for women who paved the way in history for equal rights for sure. I understand not all people in society hold women in such high esteem. But I guess I feel so blessed to know that god created me in his image and that I am beautiful inside and out. The lds church taught me this. I feel that the lord recognizes me as a Co-priesthood holder with my husband. I know that I can call on the powers of heaven at anytime just a much as my husband. I am the giver of life. The vessel of his children. That role is glorified in my eyes and I know in his. Just as much as any priesthood holder. I appreciate you trying to help people understand cultural stigmas. I think its nice you engage us in mature conversations. Anyways I guess that's how I feel about the posters
Beautiful versus amazing -I, too, found it to be a bit unsettling. However, an outside source to be "amazed" is just as necessary as an outside source to be pleased or satisfied.
Without looking up the definition, I found beautiful to be a bit more shallow, even with the "inside and out" reference."
Also, the script font kind of makes me want to barf. No good reason, just does. . . .
I have vast potential
I can make good choices
I am never alone
I can do hard things
I am wonderful inside and out
I am of great worth
He has a plan for me
I know who I am
a child of God
The thing is that most sexism is unseen at this point, and if no one points it out, it can't change. I agree with Anonymous that you can make yourself crazy by specifically looking for this kind of thing, and it can definitely be taken too far. But in this case I know Blythe didn't go looking for something sexist to be offended by (and neither did I—it just popped up in my Pinterest feed). When you're aware of how well sexism hides, then yeah, it sticks out to you in places where other people wouldn't see it. This doesn't mean you're approaching everything from a negative point of view, or trying to find things to be upset about. It's just that once you start seeing it, it's really hard to un-see. And, like I said before, if we want to get rid of societally-based sexism, we have to point out the sexism that most people don't see. That's the only way it can change.
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